Hey, this is Ege, like Reggae without the R...
Back in high school, I had a HUGE crush on my "best friend."
Every morning, I would see her get onto the school bus with a huge smile and sit down right next to me...
Every morning, I would tell myself this was IT.
Today was the day when I was going to finally ask her out...
For 4 YEARS I couldn't do it...
In fact, she STILL doesn't know...
But that was the LEAST of my problems...
I was 60 pounds overweight and I couldn't stop playing video games.
Every day, I would come back from school, make myself a plate of cookies & run up to my room to play League of Legends.
Six hours later, I would go to bed so I could wake up the next day to do it all over again...
I didn't admit it at the time but I was miserable...
The summer before senior year of high school, I came back from a vacation with my friends...
I had been eating like crazy for the last couple of weeks so I decided to step on the scale... what I saw next nearly made me throw up...
225 POUNDS...
Everything just hit me... I was depressed & I was masking my unhappiness with food & video games...
It was time to make a change...
Over the next few months, I lost 60 pounds...
I realized that if I could train my body, I should also be able to train my mind...
I read every self-development book out there and spent more than $104,000 getting mentored by top social skills, spirituality & confidence experts around the world.
I was tired of being the "Nice Guy" who was constantly friend-zoned - so I faced my fears HEAD ON.
I began talking to attractive women in any situation you can imagine...
Coffee shops... Libraries... Airports... Malls... Man, I even jumped out of a car one time on a red light because I saw a cute girl crossing the street...
Throughout this experience, I began getting 2-3 dates a week with women I couldn't wait to be around...
But that was just the tip of the iceberg. More importantly, I saw myself transform as a MAN.
I used to think that I would be LUCKY to get ANY girl - not even one I was very attracted to...
But I quickly realized that no matter happened, I could build my life from ground up through daily, consistent action...
Nowadays, my focus has shifted from enjoying this heavenly reality to teaching genuine, analytical men how to improve the quality of their dating options and relationships.
I've coached men from companies like Facebook, Google, Amazon, Blizzard, Intel etc. to help them become more attractive to women by focusing on four principles: Relaxation, Expression, Empathy and Leadership. I help clients use these principles as a compass for their dating lives, allowing them to meet and date women in a sustainable way that is a win for them and for the women they meet.
If that sounds like something you'd be interested in, click the button below & check out our free training on how I went from settling with women to becoming the man they naturally wanted. Either way, if there's any way I can help you, feel free to reach out.
Rooting for you in your journey.
May the growth be with you,